Expedition Earth: Discovering God’s Animals is an accompanying animal unit study that is designed to go with my
Expedition Earth: A Journey Through God’s World Geography Curriculum.
What’s included in the Expedition Earth: Discovering God’s Animals
Each country contains a waterfall style mini-book with 6 animals from that country. The flip book has a fun facts sentence for your student to either trace or write depending on skill level. I plan on using this with my preschooler, first grader and 2nd grader as a group (I doubt my pre-k will be doing the writing, but she can cut out the pages and assemble for her animal book, I’ll leave it up to her).
The animal study also comes with animal classification cards for an animal discovery wall along with animal cards for each country so you can classify the animals as you are learning about them. I just made a simple bulletin board for our room so we have somewhere fun to display all of our animals as we learn them.
(I recommend writing the country names on the backs of the animal cards before they get all mixed up on your wall.)
Here’s a sample of the classification cards and Animals of Brazil cards:
NOTE: For the older kids I made a version with blank lines to write in their own facts, its a great research project!
Note: This is intended to be a supplement to the Expedition Earth curriculum but it can also be used as an independent animal unit study.
If you missed it, click here to see the Expedition Earth: A Journey Through God’s World Curriculum!
Hope you enjoy learning all about God’s Animals!
I have a 3rd, 5th and 7th grader. Has anyone adapted this for the middle school age?
Hi Crystal,
I really recommend this unit for elementary grades, I think it’s a bit too easy for 7th and up, but you can easily have them do more research on each country and there are reports included that you can use to make it more challenging for your older students as well
I can’t wait to get started on this set! We are working through road trip USA right now and all five of my kids, 8,9,11,12, and 13 are loving it.
This animal study looks cute. Is this included with the Expedition Earth: A Journey Through God’s World Geography curriculum? or can I download on its own? I don’t see where I can download it. Appreciate your help!
Hi the animal study is included in the Expedition Earth Geography curriculum. You can’t download them separately at this time
How do I download the animal study?
Hi, The animal study is part of the Expedition Earth Curriculum here: https://store.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=70_73_74